Acadiana Cares – Newsletter

SUPPORT WELLNESS RECOVERY HOUSING SUPPORT WELLNESS RECOVERY HOUSING News: Acadiana Cares – Newsletter Understanding the alphabet soup of U=U, PrEP, and PEP plus the latest information on Monkeypox. Download the PDF Pride Plaza Clinic MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY...

Ryan White

SUPPORT WELLNESS RECOVERY HOUSING SUPPORT WELLNESS RECOVERY HOUSING News: Ryan White Enacted in 1990 and named after a boy with hemophilia who was a courageous public face in the early days of the HIV epidemic, the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program is the nation’s...

HIV Prevention

SUPPORT WELLNESS RECOVERY HOUSING SUPPORT WELLNESS RECOVERY HOUSING News: HIV Prevention HIV Prevention is at the center of our response to the HIV epidemic. Download the PDF  Pride Plaza Clinic MONDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY 8AM–4:30PM • TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 8AM–7PM 850...


SUPPORT WELLNESS RECOVERY HOUSING SUPPORT WELLNESS RECOVERY HOUSING Events: AN EVENING WITH GEORGE WINSTON Join us Thursday, February 21, 2019. Celebrated American rural folk pianist George Winston shares an evening of solo piano on Thursday, February 21st at 7:30 PM...


SUPPORT WELLNESS RECOVERY HOUSING SUPPORT WELLNESS RECOVERY HOUSING Events: ​2016 APOLLO VIVIAN ALEXANDER EGG Mar 03, 2016 2016 Apollo Vivian Alexander egg Here’s you chance to win a one of a kind Vivian Alexander Egg! Retail value of this egg is over $2,500.00....